Wednesday, March 15, 2017


This is a quick home version of the Yemeni dish, reduced to serve two people.  It really hits the spot and makes the whole house smell amazing!  This will also help use up leftover lamb from last week's video recipe.
  • 1/2 lb lamb shoulder, diced
  •  2 C water
  • 1/2 tsp chicken bouillon
  • 2/3 C basmati rice
  • 1/2 Tbsp clarified butter (see notes)
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 C plain yogurt
  • 1 small tomato, diced
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp coriander
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced
1.  In a medium saucepan, bring lamb and water to a boil.  Add bouillon, reduce heat to low; cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes.
2.  Remove lamb from pan, set aside.  Add rice to the liquid and boil for 10 minutes.  Drain rice and set aside.
3.  Melt butter over medium-high heat, add onions, and cook until golden brown.  Add cooked lamb, stir gently to mix.
4.  In a medium bowl, combine yogurt, tomato, spices, and garlic.  Pour mixture over lamb in pan.  Add rice on top, do not stir.  Cover and cook on low for 25 minutes or until rice is fully cooked. 

Robyn's notes: In the video I pour saffron water over the top of the rice before leaving it at the last step of cooking.  Saffron is not cheap, so I wouldn't buy it just for this recipe, but if you have some in the house you should use it!  Don't hoard it until it dries up and isn't worth using anymore.  To make saffron water, grind saffron threads to a powder.  Place 1/4 tsp powder in a small bowl and pour 1/4 C hot water over them.  Allow to sit and steep for about 10 minutes.  That's it! 
Clarified butter is just butter that's had the milk solids and water cooked out.  This makes it more concentrated and also makes it shelf-stable for awhile, it does not need to be kept in the fridge.  In a medium saucepan, melt 1/2 lb of unsalted butter over low heat and slowly cook until the bubbling ceases and the liquid turns clear, about 30 minutes.  Strain and cool, leaving any solids that have formed in the bottom of the pan.
This was quite good, though I didn't have quite as much lamb as I should have, so it did get a touch overcooked.  Watch me demonstrate this recipe on youtube!

*** 3 Stars: Good. At least one of us liked this enough for me to make it again, but not often

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